Is this service only for people with kids?

Absolutely not! We have a variety of favorite clients: single entrepreneurs, couples with animals, and even a few partners with no dependents in the home. Whether you’re a busy single or active family of 6, you need an Angel!

Can you watch my kids and do the chores?

One of the reasons we started in 2016 was to help households like yours. If you don’t need full time nannying, but you are out of the realm of a professional organizing or assistant charging $50+ per hour, we may be the perfect solution. We thrive on the fractional hiring model!

Can I book one-off Angel shifts?

As a relationship-based service that gets to know your home, your family, and your needs, one-off shifts are more of a waste of time. We spend up to an hour figuring out where everything goes, and it’s not an efficient way to spend your money or our time.

Our secret recipe is consistency and commitment. As you can plan out the days you’ll have help, it becomes easier for you to plan your tasks and for your Angel to predict your needs.

How many hours can I schedule my Angel for?

We will do a Home Visit during our onboarding process. The team uses their years of experience to suggest a weekly schedule for your household. Our minimum is one shift per week and we trying to keep our shifts at two hours minimum.

Do you do full time nannying? What if we wanted 40hrs/wk?

Unfortunately, no. All of our Angels are skilled in constant changing environments and really benefit from the daily switch up in households. The maximum we schedule is 25hrs per week. We can add on virtual assistance and meal planning on top of your 25.

My last Angel was a pro at separating clothes. Can my next Angel also be a pro in this category?

We provide a uniform training model and cover as much as we can. However, we do tailor services to each household, specifically. If you love the way your previous Angel did a task, we encourage you to show your current Angel what you liked about their process so we can continue making you happy!


Can we keep an Angel for a one-time fee or use you to find one?

Yes! We have a Finder’s Fee embedded in our agreement that explains this process, or you can sign up for a one time search process to find the right fit for you. We don’t want to be “gate keepers” for your home.

I need some assistance for my mom. Do you work in elder care?

Great question! We do not have the credentials to provide CNA or medical care. However, we would love to help out your parent if they need some help with household tasks and a friend to talk to a few times per week! Packages will be determined the same as any other household.

I don’t need childcare today. Can I pay a cheaper rate if I limit tasks?

We have the same rate for every visit since you’re on a prepaid package for the month. We highly encourage you take advantage of your digital to-do list to make sure you’re getting the most out of your Angel service!

Can my Angel do cleaning tasks while they’re here?

We do not deep clean. Deep cleaning includes: bathrooms, sweeping, mopping, dusting, routinely cleaning poop, routinely changing sheets, cleaning furniture, the like. Angels will inform you if there’s a task they’re not trained to do.


How do I track my Angel hours?

We do that all for you! The schedule, timestamps, covering for time off or families out of town, are all managed by the company. You will get some onboarding documents detailing how hours are tracked and billed.

Are all your Angels the same?

The only thing uniform about our Angel Squad is our work ethic! We love the variety of skills and personalities we bring into each home. One Angel that matches perfectly with Family B may not mesh with Family A. As your Relationship Manager, we provide tips and tricks on being the best client and will step in when needed to invest in your relationship with your Angel, including quarterly check-ins.

Am I locked in a time contract?

No! If you begin services and have a sudden life shift, we only ask you to finish out your current month of services. We ask you give us at least two weeks of notice so we can get to filling your Angel’s hours.

Do you provide government assistance or daycare?

We currently don’t have the knowledge or resources to provide government assistance or take government-issued pay. We are open to it, but would need to be connected to someone who has knowledge of government contracts.

We are not a daycare and have no physical building to hold children or pets.